Marvin Meeks
I ascribe to Existential theory because life's experiences can be our greatest teacher, from the biggest interactions to the smallest meaning in your life. I will also pull from additional theories to best fit your needs as the client. I am typically relaxed and even-keeled, but therapy is hard work and requires you to be honest with yourself and your therapist.
I currently work as a school counselor during the day so my hours are limited, but I will do my best to work within your schedule. I am currently pursuing an MS in Clinical Counseling at Emporia State University. I love to travel, experience new cultures, and live life to the fullest. I believe cultural experiences are helpful in broadening our worldview and encouraging active learning to understand cultural differences. My goal is to become fluent in a few languages at some point, but the hardest part is always starting. In education, there is a saying that in the field we are lifelong learners, and if there is something I am not knowledgeable about I will do my best to learn more about it for our next session.

About Me:
I am looking to work with clients of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. I never know who I may encounter and their own personal experiences so I would love the opportunity to learn with you about you.
Ages 5+
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.